
Our roots
We have a long tradition of “people-oriented building. It all began with the renowned architect Michiel Brinkman in 1910 as the founder of our firm. Jan Brinkman and Leendert van der Vlugt followed in his footsteps when they further designed the Van Nelle Factory. Their successors were the architects Van den Broek and Bakema. They felt that Dutch architecture was ready for a wind of change with a more human scale.

People-oriented tradition
This was due to the pre-war industrialization and the post-war soberness. Our forebears proved that things could be different with liveable buildings, such as the iconic design for the Rotterdam Van Nelle Factory. They also created a furore with the Aula of the TU in Delft, De Kuip and the town hall of Terneuzen. We are continuing this tradition in the very place where it began: the Van Nelle Factory.

Our mission and role
At Broekbakema, we want to contribute to healthy working environments. Upscaling and efficiency still influence the liveability of buildings. We want to make an impact on people’s working climate. For their well-being and health, but also for more collaboration, innovation and knowledge synergy within organizations. In that sense we see ourselves as ‘community builders’. We do this in the world of R&D, care and education.

Our design philosophy
We believe in the power of simplicity. One cannot design more beautiful and healthy than nature. Therefore daylight and other natural elements have an important place in our designs. For us, function and comfort outweigh form. That gives a building timeless allure. We like to be one step ahead of the future anyway. That way a building remains functional and appealing. Even if its use changes.

Sustainable world
Timeless buildings are also indispensable for a sustainable and circular world. The developments of green technology and renewable materials are moving at a rapid pace. We want to be at the forefront of these applications. So that our clients’ buildings are at the center of society, also in the future. That is why we work with certifications for our buildings, such as BREAAM and WELL.
Our values
We believe in the power of co-creation. Appealing buildings are made together. We work on an equal footing with our clients and partners. That delivers the best results. We are progressive and decisive. So that our buildings meet the requirements of today and tomorrow. Of course, craftsmanship is the foundation of all our work, for manageability and reliability of our projects.