Shell Mainstreet
Rijswijk, The Netherlands
A variety of renovation and construction projects for the Shell complex of the division ‘Exploration and Production’ in Rijswijk. When the complex was appointed as the international headquarters, the existing complex was thoroughly revised and expanded. The essence of our master plan consists of the application of a continuous circulation in the existing clear structure. The new transparent main circulation route with walkways is slid between the existing buildings. Purity and modesty characterize this main street that connects the buildings. In order to create the office space, laboratories have been moved to a separate zone on the edge of the complex. The new facades and interiors create a relationship between the offices and the existing indoor gardens and green areas.
Ir. Meindert Booij
Han Rotgans AvB
Robert van Kats AvB
Dipl. Ing. Michaela Stegerwald
Ir. Gosia Wolak
Project manager:
Ing. René Karreman
Tom Sanders