Fasttrack Offices Synthon
Nijmegen, The Netherlands
The new Fasttrack Offices Synthon (FTOS) at the Byondis (previously Synthon BioPharmaceuticals) Campus in Nijmegen will get an atrium with ample green, various informal meeting points and much daylight thanks to the open facade and skylights. At each side of the atrium the total of 175 employees can work quietly with full concentration. The four-story structure has a pleasant working environment with daylight and views over the green campus. Wadi’s in the surrounding landscape allow for natural infiltration of rainwater. The highly-insulated facade is equipped with passive solar protection with its vertical lamella’s. For future flexibility the Fasttrack Offices can later also be connected to a collective geothermal heat and cold storage.
Ir. Aldo Vos
Ir. Ruud van Ginneken
Project Coordinator:
Ir. Marc den Heijer