Lab Talk: inspiration for transformation in Berlin
26 January 2023
Sustainable transformation is also being considered in Berlin. Because with a decline in public spaces for culture in Berlin and the need for sustainable transformation of the building, the future of the ICC (International Congress Center) is being considered.
During the Lab Talk ‘Back to the future: The ICC as Opportunity for the City’ organized by ANCB The Aedes Metropolitan Laboratory, experts from home and abroad shared their experience. So did Aldo Vos. He delved into our more than 110-year Broekbakema agency history and showed how the Van Nelle Factory in Rotterdam tackled this challenge.
Curious to know more about the Van Nelle Factory? Read more about the transformation of a coffee, tea and tobacco factory into a future-proof creative hub for offices and events here. Or ask Aldo Vos for more information, he will be happy to help you.
Read more about the Lab Talk ‘Back to the future: The ICC as Opportunity for the City’ here.
Photo: © Erik-Jan Ouwerkerk