Who will design their dream school?
26 June 2018
Broekbakema has actively contributed to the social development of children for years in collaboration with IMC Weekendschool. That is why Broekbakema is currently giving a series of courses in architecture for 30 primary school children from Rotterdam Zuid. The pupils will be in the shoes of an architect to design their dream school in four weeks. In the first course we welcomed the children at our Parklaan construction site. In the second course we toured our office at the historic Van Nelle Factory, where the children experienced how architects work. In the upcoming two courses the pupils will build models of their ideal school and present it to a jury after having toured Het Nieuwe Instituut and Huis Sonneveld.
Click here to know more about the IMC Weekendschool.
Click here to know more about the aforementioned projects.
Click here to know more about the results of the IMC Weekendschool.