Festive ceremony ‘Passief Bouwen execution certificate’
28 November 2017
GSG Leo Vroman is the first high school in the Netherlands with a ‘Passief Bouwen’ certificate (passive building) for the design-phase, as well as for the execution phase. In April, the nationwide award was already won by this building. Last Thursday, the school received the signed execution certificate to award this unique school building. And of course, the school is very proud of that. Herman van Tongerloo (the always enthusiastic school director) received the certificate personally.
A passive building is very well insulated and draft free. That saves energy and is comfortable. In combination with smart designed installations, the school uses very little energy: only 15kWh per m2 a year. Most of the time, the presence of people in the building is enough to keep the building warm. Well insulated buildings have the tendency to get very warm in the summer. Via night ventilation, the concrete skeleton will be cooled by night with air from outside. This new school building also meets the predicate ‘Frisse school klasse B’. An unique combination.