Ashram College Nieuwkoop
Nieuwkoop, the Netherlands
“The Ashram breathes warmth” according to Evon Zevenbergen, former student, and “the pupil is the architect of his own school career” according to Gert-Jan Schotanus (Director VMBO/HAVO). The main feature of the Ashram College is the ability of everyone -students, teachers and other personnel- to be able to be themselves and develop personally. This can be seen in the school slogan: ‘Personal, multi-faceted and result-oriented’. These features also formed the basis of the architectural vision on the new building in Nieuwkoop. The school has a warm heart and everyone receives the space necessary to choose and define their own paths. The Ashram College is multi-faceted and this may be seen! The multi-faceted character is visible in the appearance of the building, a compact mass with three wings around a central connecting space called ‘the central heart’. Because of this shape, all departments are located closely to the school’s heart but retain the ability of showing themselves maximally to the outside world. This way the school can also really form the heart of Nieuwkoop.
Ir. Renze Evenhuis
Ir. Tessa Barendrecht
Ir. Okan Türkcan
Lennart van Gameren
Misha Gorter
Technical Design:
Ing. Steven Schulze
Bouke den Ouden
Project Manager:
Ir. Willeke van de Groep
Click here to read our article on Architectenweb on the Ashram College Nieuwkoop (Dutch).