New-build for medical isotopes in Petten in sight
18 December 2020
Over 30.000 patients are each day depending on medical isotopes from Petten in North Holland for diagnosis or treatment of life-threatening diseases. Besides the construction of a new reactor in 2022, the Nuclear Health Centre (NHC) will also commence at the Energy & Health Campus. This facility is needed because the amount of people with cancer and heart diseases is ever-growing. A very special commission therefore.
We have designed the NHC for our client Stichting Voorbereiding Pallas-reactor. The building permit, which was submitted to the Schagen municipality on june 2020, was accepted on december 17th.
Hospitals and Pharmaceutical Companies
The NHC is used to generate half-products (radiochemicals) and medicines (radiopharma) from medical isotopes. The handling and packaging of these medicines will also take place within this building. Hospitals and pharmacies are waiting worldwide for such production facilities.
Globally the number of patients with treatments of medical isotopes from reactors is growing. The NHC allows for sufficient capacity for millions of patients per year. And that can be ‘seen’. Everything in our design is about transparency.
Work and Laboratory environment
The building is surrounded by glass facades. Employees enjoy beautiful views over the dune landscape of Petten. Daylight enters deep into the core of the building and cleanrooms: this makes the building healthy and with clear oversight. Deep vertical lamella’s provide protection from the sun and yield a clear rhythm on the facade. The design also contains a flexible infrastructure for the processing of various isotope groups (alfa, beta, gamma). This allows for custom solutions to be integrated into the NHC.
The production facility is complementing the other companies at the campus, such as the FIELD-LAB and the PALLAS-reactor. The Energy & Health Campus has an integrated supply chain. This yields synergy between the companies and added efficiency for the transport of radioactive goods and losses of radiated products and waste handling.